CSV Project Upload
name - (required)
- Name of Project (Unique)
- Code to identify project (Can be used to overwrite the existing project)
- active (Default if left blank)
- archived
- pending
- planned
- floating
- Start Date (Format YYYY-MM-DD)
- End Date (Format YYYY-MM-DD)
- Plain Text
- Empty (Default - No note)
- Links for project
- Empty (default No links)
- hours
- cash
- Empty (Default - No budget)
- Empty (Default - 0 hours)
- Integer e.g. 50
- Only valid if hours chosen in budget
- Empty (Default - 0)
- Integer e.g. 7000
- Only valid if cash chosen in budget
- Empty (Default TRUE)
- TRUE (Use default billing rate defined in Settings)
- Empty (Default 0)
- Integer e.g. 250
- Empty (Default to company working days defined in Settings)
- TRUE - Sets the day to working
- FALSE - Sets the day to not working
- Text - Enter the name of an existing or new group for this project to belong to.