Improved accessibility, #a11y, improved colour contrast, improved log-in feature, improved options to edit and see a week at a glance.
Improved accessibility - for screen-reader software like JAWS and NVDA, better mobile optimisation, in line with WCAG 2.1, better colour contrast, including especially for the links, and keyboard control options.
Removing the background images from the log-in page, to avoid extra distraction.
Improved visibility of a week at a glance.
Improved authoring tool settings (ideally thinking at least about ATAG) so that it is easier to add leave and key events across all team members.
Change the name from "resources" to "staff"? or "people".

Hey, thanks for the ideas and suggestions. We will endeavour to take them on board.
Just to let you know that you can change the primary keywords of both resources and projects no problem. Just follow these few simple steps:
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