AdminHub Planner
(Customer Care, Hub Planner)
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36 results found
7 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment -
8 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment I think I see what you mean? To create a sub field within a custom field. As of now, you need to create a custom field for each skill. Ideally you would like to create sub skills custom fields within Functional and Technical for example.
Thanks for submitting.
Team Hub Planner -
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Thanks for posting the idea. We will be releasing a new version of the scheduler this year. Will keep you posted if it will be included in the first release of the new update.
Team Hub Planner -
20 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Hi, many thanks for the suggestion. Fair point to make too. We will be releasing a new version of Timesheets in the near future, we will endeavour to request this suggestion when developing.
Thanks again,
Team Hub Planner -
26 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Thanks for submitting and commenting. In the meantime as a workaround, you can create a separate project for each phase which allows you to assign both budget hours and cost. You can also create a project group to view overall schedule and sidebar view.
For some help:
-> -
13 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Thank you for posting!
Good idea to add to the Email Notifications function. In the meantime, might I suggest that the PM set up a report for a daily/weekly schedule of bookings they manage? They can activate this via the Report Builder. Also, if they save the report, it will be easily accessible for the PM to access on a daily/weekly basis. I hope that helps?
Team Hub Planner -
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Hi, thanks for posting.
Can I just check that you are looking to adjust an allocation for a repeat booking. For example, from 100% to 75% allocation for all future bookings? Perhaps I have read incorrectly?
If so, this is already a feature. To adjust:
-> Click the Repeat Booking
-> Change the Allocation
-> Select 'Update Booking'
-> A pop up will appear 'This is a repeat booking. Choose if you would like to update this booking or all bookings.'
-> Select either 'Cancel', 'Update This', or 'Update All'.Does that help? Perhaps I have read wrong?
Team Hub Planner -
55 votes
we have something like this already in the backlog and will start to finalize the UX and implementation so it is inline with other features. Happy to say it is on the way and moving.
An error occurred while saving the comment Hi there,
No ETA at the moment as it's still on the backlog. Hopefully, we will see some movement for this in Q2. We'll be sure to let you know and keep you posted on any further developments.
Team Hub Planner -
4 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Thanks for the comment on this suggestion idea. Right now we are concentrating on updating features such as Reports, Public Holidays and Booking Categories. Having said that, we will endeavor to keep this integration idea of multiple languages within our catalog of features to produce.
For Québec, in particular, we have double-checked the law to be sure. In accordance with Quebec law, the software must be available in French unless no French version exists. is only produced in one language - English.
Keep an eye on our Hub Planner Blog for feature updates and new releases. Thanks again for your added suggestions and comments.
Team Hub Planner
An error occurred while saving the comment Hi,
Took a quick look thanks for sending. It might be a bit too niche of an integration at this moment in time, but if enough clients have an interest we can definitely consider looking at a way to integrate against it. For now we have to focus on getting the bigger tickets and features integrated which will be for everyone. Thanks
An error occurred while saving the comment Hi Jaroslav,
Thanks for the comment. I will answer in 2 parts..
Is Hub Planner multi language?
Not 100% localized but as the interface largely depends on your inputted data it does become somewhat localized. We also offer a way for you to change the 2 main keywords in your Hub Planner. Either when signing up or in your Settings page under Customization you can edit the keywords in your own langauge. These keywords filter through the entire system so you will see them repeated all over.Could one connect Hub Planner to online financial software packages?
Can you let us know what financial software package you have in mind and we can see if there is an API easily available to integrate with.Thanks //Stephen
5 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Thanks for your suggestion. We'll definitely take that on board for sure. I can understand there are so many features of Hub Planner to get used to. We are in the midst of constantly developing the Knowledge Base help centre. We also have some tutorial videos in our You Tube channel too. But, absolutely a valid suggestion and thank you for taking the time to write. -
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Thanks for suggesting. So, it's like the reverse of how the iCal currently works.
For example, right now the flow is Hub Planner updates the calendar. Any new bookings, changes and alterations you make within Hub Planner will automatically update your calendar.
Your suggestion is that you would like to be able to make your changes within your calendar and have those changes update in Hub Planner? However they would go through the approval process?
Team Hub Planner -
4 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Hey there, thanks for reaching out. Just to let you know that this feature of viewing the Billing Panel is live within the scheduler view of a project. All you need to do is select the $ icon from the top right hand side toolbar.
From here you can opt to view as much or as little budget hours and financial details as you wish.
See screen grab -
Also a link to the blog post -
Team Hub Planner -
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Thanks for posting the idea.
In the meantime, what might help you if you haven't already being doing this is to open up the Dashboard, Scheduler and Reports in another tab so you can keep an eye on the impact of approving / rejecting vacation time?
Team Hub Planner -
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Hey, thanks for reaching out. Have you tried it with the new Hub Planner Reports? Perhaps you can drop us a line at and we can try and help you out.
Team Hub Planner
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Hi Fiona,
Thanks for the suggestion.
You can always assign the phases as bookings?
Another and more in-depth way would be to create a project group, followed by a sub group and then have the 'phases' as projects - this way you can apply the budget hours?
Team Hub Planner -
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Hey there, thanks for your post and suggestion.
At present, there is no option within the Vacation Extension for a resource to request to cancel an already approved vacation day. They can of course cancel a pending request via the Request Table.
In the meantime, if a resource needs an approved vacation to be removed. Approvers of vacation time can delete the vacation from the request table. In turn, the scheduler will be updated as will the resources vacation allowance.
Team Hub Planner -
4 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment 1 - Yes, I like this! The same as the way it's done in Vacation/Resource Request & Approval time? Reject with a note.
2 - You can add a project / booking category / time to the timesheet without navigating to the scheduler. Simply click the green + sign to Add Time Entry (See screenshot - All your projects are listed here. Just click to add.
3 - Each week is automatically populated with time / projects scheduled. Unless you are adding projects on the fly as explained in point 2.
4 - When approving, you can alter the date to be as expansive as you wish. You might also find the 'Bulk Actions' beneficial to use.
Thanks for your post,
Team Hub Planner -
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Hey, thanks for the ideas and suggestions. We will endeavour to take them on board.
Just to let you know that you can change the primary keywords of both resources and projects no problem. Just follow these few simple steps:
Hub Planner -
18 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Hey Lars, keep an out on our news feed..... Expenses are en route!
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Thanks for the idea and I understand what you mean. I'll feed back for review.
Thanks for taking the time to share your idea.
So to clarify the workflow as of now. The public holiday will show in the scheduler. Within a resources or indeed a project Timesheet, as of now, a Public Holiday is defaulted to show 0:00 hours for the day within a project row with scheduled time against it. However, the day 0:00 is not tagged as a PH within the projects rows of the Timesheet.
The timesheet will still show 0:00 unless someone is scheduled to work overtime for example. But, perhaps we need to highlight the cell better to indicate that this is a PH?
The other point being you want to schedule the PH on the scheduler? By doing so, you are scheduling an event on top of the PH? This way, on the Timesheet you have the Event row showing/indicated. And within your workflow you want users to tick that they took the PH? Have I got this right? This way, you can generate reports that will include events?
Let me know if you have anything to add to this? Or anyone else for that matter. We are going to be updating the Timesheets. So it would be good to have your feedback and suggestions here too.
Team Hub Planner