Seperate Booking Categories for Projects and Events
Please add additional options while adding/modifying category groups to choose if a particular group should be available for projects or events.
This way users will use only categories dedicated for projects instead of having access to the full list.

Hi, thanks for taking the time to post this idea. So this is more of a pre setting for category groups?
If I hear you right, you wish to set what the users can select from when managing and applying BC Groups to projects? As of now, IF the user has the role right to edit and manage the BC groups, the user can select from all BC Groups. You wish to restrict this?
For example, a 'Design' project should only be able to choose from the 'Design' BC Groups?
Ok, there would be a couple of parts to this feature request.
Firstly, we would need to alter the UI and functionality to the BC Groups to include/restrict what users would see.
Secondly, we would have to introduce new role rights to facilitate these two options. Currently we have one role right settings that is: "View / Edit Booking Categories Setting"
Let us know if we're signing off the same hymn sheet here. We will keep you posted on any progress.Best,
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