JIRA API integration
Pre-defined interface (preferably API) between Hub Planner (resource planning) and JIRA Tempo (time recording) to allow planned projects, resources and bookings to be imported/exported to enable comparison/reconciliation with actual time logged.
Plus detailed reports to support deeper analysis.

CC commented
Thank you i'll look into this. I've mentioned the API already so this might help also.
Hi CC,
Thanks for the follow up. I believe it is still under review as there is no clear and concise relationship between the softwares that helps everyone. Therefore a lot of customers have just taken advantage of our API https://github.com/hubplanner/API and create their own custom integrations between the two to suit their business needs.
What would be helpful is if you can suggest what integration you are specifically looking for between the software as it is very broad when it is just integrate Jira with Hub Planner.
For example do you see it as Epic's created in Hub Planner = Projects? Maybe you can suggest what mapping you are looking for exactly?
We recently released a Basecamp integration https://hubplanner.com/inline-integration-basecamp/ so something with Jira could slot in here.
best Support
CC commented
We are big Jira users and are looking at Hubplanner and Jira's bolt-on alternatives. We're in a trial but considering going live with 25+/- staff. Any further information available on this?
Anonymous commented
Is a Jira integration still a possibility? If so, is there a timescale?
Hi, If anyone has had the chance to look at an integration between our API and Jira as requested, please let us know at hello@hubplanner.com
We don't have a working example of an integration yet, but please take a look at our API. Maybe there is enough there looking at the Harvest Example to get you started?
Harvest Integration example: https://github.com/hubplanner/API/tree/master/Examples/harvest
pwilliams commented
I would be super keen to have this kind of feature, there are other companies integrating with Jira well, but their resource planning is not as neat as Hub Planner. Tempo is a good example of Jira integrated with Planning and Time Sheeting, perhaps take them as a reference.
Hi MG,
Thanks for all the good suggestions. We will see where they fit in with the integration scope. Keep the suggestions coming if you think of anything else!
MG commented
Another one is taking finish time from versions per project and create milestones in Hubplanner
MG commented
One example of useful integration. We usually plan resources on a higher product level, that is on Jira Epics or UserStories (type of task). If I could merge a project in Jira and Hubplanner and get a "Booking list" (I would like to choose what jira task types to be included) and then assign them to resources and create time frames.That would be a Killer feature for us.
We are familiar with JIRA but have not looked at it yet in regards to an integration with Hub Planner. We will add their API to our list.
If you can provide examples of what you would like to see in a 'deeper analysis' as far as reporting goes that would be great.