Start and end times
Make it so you can pick an exact start and end time. Resource guru does this

Michael commented
I guess, Start/ End Time should be available - not just Start/ End Date.
e.g. I plan a resource from Monday 09.00 till Wed 13.00 and another booking wed 13.00 to Fr 18.00
The overview should show on Wed two entries, and the allocation should be ok as the available time is not overbooked -
Jemma commented
We would also use this function it would be great to have specific start times - linked to meetings or calls for example.
No sorry I can't provide you with a time or timeline. But it is due to be scheduled in an upcoming production sprint. You will get automatic updates here when it is scheduled.
Joe commented
Great, do you know when?
Ah ok, so I misunderstood you there. Yes, we are going to be adding that. Sorry about the time/dates confusion ;)
Joe commented
Hi a Support,
Can you a date and time? Or just a date?
Like 15/01/2016 10:00am - 15/01/2016 11:00amSo you can pick the exact time it starts and ends?
Hi Joe,
You can do this. Edit a Project or create a new one and choose "Display Dates" allowing to you to pick a start and an end date.
best, Support