View Only Permissions for Schedules and Projects
A read only permission for schedules to enable 2 things. 1) To allow all to see what projects resources are allocated to \ how busy a person is, but not allow them to assign tasks. 2) To ensure that for a resource to be allocated to a project, a request is made by the project manager and approved by the line manager. Ensuring that the PM can't extend their use of the resource without a line manger's approval. At the moment a PM fully controls the resources on their project which conflicts with other project demands. The PM should be able to request all resource types from different teams, but only use those resources once agreed by the various team managers.
Hi, I believe this comes down to both permissions and role rights. Permissions is who you can see, Role Rights are what you can do.
If you deny the role type the Role Rights, then Permissions will essentially be read only for you? I believe this will cover #1.
If using the R&A workflow, you can designate who can approve requests via Settings. Role Rights will look after who can create the requests. Therefore, assign the correct role right first, and then subsequent permissions.
Let us know if we're on the right track here.
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