Add a timer
Hi, After some testing within our company, we currently running a number of trials, we would like to know if there are plans to add a timer to the time recording section of the system?
This would enable team members to start a timer on a particular project and category, and have this reflected in the timesheet. This is a truer reflection of time spent than the suggested time taken directly from the scheduled tasks.

Hi just to let you know, the development of a clock timer in Hub Planner (you requested and voted on) has now begun. Any particular requests you have in addition to those you mentioned, please do let us know. Happy to take them on board when developing.
OFA commented
Hub planner, do you have an update on this?
Matt Jackson commented
Yes we need this as well. Or potential integration with toggl or harvest or something like that. It's tedious to manually transpose all these entries manually.
Andrew Newton commented
Hi, for a good example from one of your competitors, check out the "Toggl" timer. I acually use Toggl to track my time, then transcribe it back into HubPlanner periodically. It would be great to just use the one tool. I like that Toggl has a web version, desktop and mobile too.
Roger Planes commented
A timer is a great idea - ideal for project work and would mean we could consolidate some of our tools. Any update on timeline for implementing a timer?
Anonymous commented
Agree, this is actually a deal breaker for us.
Hi, A timer is something we plan on doing for Timesheets.