Export data to Microsoft Power BI or Tableau for reporting
API · completed
Instant (Live) Refresh data for all viewing the schedule · completed
Ability to Schedule Half Days · completed
Allow for Management to view Team Data · completed
Enable all fields to be imported when loading multiple projects/resources
Make "Vacation Days per Year" allowance to be specified per year
Option for an xml or ical file to be integrated into a Google Calendar or some other Calendar program. · completed
Remove ability to enter Actuals on Timesheet for Vacation Days
Allow me to request that a project is added to my timesheet · completed
forecast based on previous data, to check for ex how much hours my enterprise will sell or should sell (to take better decisions)
Customizable Project Dashboard
Add a warning message before deleting projects or resources · completed
Improve the user interface
Project Manager added to templates
Filter Manage Employees and Manage Projects lists by Active or provide default filter setting
Status for milestones
Employee group manager
report in days not hours · completed
date format